Bohar Snapper Fishing | Fish Species

Bohar Snapper, scientifically known asLutjanus bohar, is a species that belongs to theLutjanidaefamily. Known by various names such as the two-spot red snapper, red bass, twinspot snapper, and Bohar snapper, this species is renowned for its eye-catching beauty and impressive size. The Bohar Snapper is a sought-after catch for many anglers around the world, with the record catch weighing in at an impressive 28 pounds.

What is Bohar Snaper Fishing?

This species is native to the Indian Ocean and is widespread in the Indo-Pacific, from the east African coast, north to the Red Sea, to the western Pacific Ocean, north to the Ryukyu Islands, and south to Australia. They are primarily found in tropical waters around coral structures and are more common around oceanic islands than in continental areas.

Physical Description

Bohar Snapper is characterized by its large reddish body, dark fins, and a rounded head profile. A distinct groove runs from the nostrils to the eyes, adding to its unique appearance. Juveniles and some adults exhibit two silvery-white spots on their backs, close to their dorsal fins, giving rise to the common name ‘two-spot red snapper’. However, as they mature into larger adults, these spots typically fade and the fish becomes mostly red.

This species can reach an impressive length of 90 cm, although most individuals do not exceed 76 cm. The weight  species is 12.5 kg. Bohar Snapper is a slow-growing species that reaches maturity at 8–9 years. The oldest recorded individual lived up to 56 years.

Behaviors and Lifestyle

Bohar Snappers are mainly carnivorous, feeding on a diet of other fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, stomatopods, gastropods, and urochordates. They are known to form large schools on the outer reefs or above sandy areas, mainly to form spawning aggregations. Small brownish juveniles have been observed to mimic damselfishes of the genus Chromis in order to approach their prey.

Bohar Snapper as Game Fish

The Bohar Snapper is a highly desired game fish. Its large size, combined with its powerful fight and striking appearance, make it a prized catch for anglers. However, fishing for Bohar Snapper can be challenging. They are immensely strong and are known to dive back into the coral to break off the line, even on 120 lb test. This makes them a thrilling catch for experienced anglers.

Fishing Techniques

When fishing for Bohar Snapper, handlines and bottom longlines are commonly used. The use of lures is also popular among anglers. The Duo ROUGH TRAIL AOMASA 148 S 15CM GHA0144 is one of the most effective lures for catching this species.

Fishing Gear

Selecting the right gear is essential when fishing for Bohar Snapper. The Smith BAY LINER BL 702 ML/MK is one of the most used rods for this kind of fishing. As for reels, the Daiwa EXIST 2015 FREIN AVANT (SPINNING) EXIST152500 has been widely used by anglers.

In terms of fishing lines, the Varivas AVANI SEABASS LS8 150M 16.5/100 has proven to be highly effective. It is often difficult to find the best lines for fishing Bohar Snapper, but this line has been most used by the Fishfriender community.

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Bohar Snapper Fishing Destinations

Bohar Snapper is a common species in many tropical waters. Some of the top fishing destinations for Bohar-Snapper include the Indian Ocean, the Indo-Pacific, the east African coast, the Red Sea, the western Pacific Ocean, the Ryukyu Islands, and Australia. They are particularly abundant around oceanic islands.

Conservation Status

The Bohar-Snapper is currently listed as “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This species is also sought-after as a game fish.

Human Uses

Apart from being a popular game fish, the Bohar Snapper is also commercially important. It is caught mainly for its meat, which is utilized fresh and dried-salted. However, large fish from certain areas in the western Pacific are often ciguatoxic.

Bohar Snapper Fish


In conclusion, the Bohar Snapper is a fascinating species that offers a thrilling fishing experience for anglers. Its beautiful appearance, large size, and challenging fight make it a highly sought-after catch. Whether you’re an experienced angler looking for a new challenge or a beginner wanting to catch something impressive, the Bohar-Snapper is certainly a species to consider.

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