Broomtail Grouper Fishing Secrets Revealed

Broomtail Grouper

As an avid angler, one of the most thrilling experiences I’ve had is Broomtail Grouper fishing. The Broomtail Grouper, scientifically known as “Mycteroperca xenarcha,” is a prized catch for many fishing enthusiasts due to its impressive size and fighting spirit. In this article, I will share with you the secrets to successful Broomtail Grouper fishing, … Read more

Hapuka Fishing | Ultimate Guide


Hapuka Fishing, an activity that not only tests your strength and endurance but also rewards you with some of the finest delicacies the ocean has to offer. Also known as ‘wreckfish’, Hapuka is a popular species amongst fishing enthusiasts, particularly for its superior flavor and rewarding catch. In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to delve … Read more

Kob fishing : The Ultimate Guide to Kob Fishing

kob fishing

Kob fishing is a unique and rewarding activity that attracts many anglers. The thrill of hunting this elusive species and the satisfaction derived from a successful catch are hard to match.  An in-depth guide to Kob Fishing, aimed at both novice and experienced anglers alike. Introduction to Kob Fishing Kob, also known as drum or … Read more

Bohar Snapper Fishing | Fish Species

Bohar Snapper Fish

Bohar Snapper, scientifically known asLutjanus bohar, is a species that belongs to theLutjanidaefamily. Known by various names such as the two-spot red snapper, red bass, twinspot snapper, and Bohar snapper, this species is renowned for its eye-catching beauty and impressive size. The Bohar Snapper is a sought-after catch for many anglers around the world, with … Read more

Coalfish | The Dark Sea Dweller


Coalfish, a member of the Cod family, is an intriguing species that graces the waters across the globe. Its name stems from its distinct dark coloration, resembling that of coal. Known by various other names including Saithe, Coley, and Pollock, this fish species is a sight to behold and a delight to catch. This cod-like … Read more

Arctic Char Fishing | Adventure in the Arctic Waters

Arctic Char Fishing

Arctic Char Fishing is an exciting and rewarding adventure that anglers from across the globe yearn for. The thrill of casting a line in the icy northern waters, waiting for the vigorous tug of an Arctic Char, is an experience beyond compare. This article delves into the fascinating world of Arctic Char Fishing, offering a … Read more

The Flavorsome Flounder | Why It’s the Best Gulf Fish to Eat Right Now

Gulf Flounder

In the culinary world, the Inlet of Mexico is famous for its wealthy bounty of fish, advertising an assorted cluster of luscious choices for Flounder fish devotees. Among the numerous treasures of the Inlet, struggle stands out as a prized delicacy cherished for its sensitive surface, mellow flavor, and flexibility in the kitchen. In this … Read more